Friday, October 27, 2017


New in town, I sulked my way thru a huge grocery market.  Why don't they have the food I always bought at home in L.A.  You know, regular food!

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pair of silver shoes - not your ordinary silver shoes. Not silver sneakers.  Glittering, new, company-for-dinner-flatware, blingding, fairy-tale movie, smooth leather slides.  I wanted to laugh, sneaked a look at the wearer to see if I might get slapped. We both smiled, then laughed.

The gorgeous young woman said "I was almost afraid to wear them." 

I assured her it was the perfect decision, and insisted:  There are times when it takes such a completely unlikely, unimagined, fun perspective to blast away a clunky, who-needs-this kind of a morning.

I wish you smiles.

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