Wednesday, November 5, 2014


In 1911, as you may know, my leg and lumbar pain got worse after I tried to dis-assemble a drafting board.  Shots did not help.  Finally, the surgeon announced, "If you think that walker is a pain, how will you like a wheelchair?  You'll be in a wheelchair by Christmas if we don't do the fusion."  The nerves in the back of my right thigh had been giving me serious pain.  I had the fusion, and ten weeks later moved to Texas.

I didn't have a car when I got here, so I amused myself by seeing how far I could walk, at first taking a cane with me "in case."

Fast forward.  Sometime, I think early this year, my feet started to hurt. I began making my own metatarsal supports, with mixed results.

An NP sent me to a podiatrist who said that something in our legs can make our feet burn.  He also told me to get the NP to find me a rheumatologist. Arthritis was beginning in my toes.  I saw a custom orthotics man, who didn't reassure me for several reasons. 

 The rheumatologist told me I'd been walking on these feet for (never mind how long.)  He did arrange some physical therapy.  The therapist massaged lower back muscles that can spasm and grip on nerves.  My feet sometimes still hurt, and so, three of my visits there were exercising in a very warm pool.

Meanwhile, back at the doctor's office: about eight months ago, I started Tamoxifen.  A known side effect is pain, including muscle pain, so I never know if that's involved.  If my foot pain is different on different days, is it probably Tamoxifen? 

In the last week and a half, the foot pain is worse.  

This morning I found something that might interest you.  I looked up "Foot pain after spine fusion" on line. (Finally).  John's Hopkins has a giant survey that their fusion patients must fill out before coming in for followup.

It's just a "mark the little circles" survey.  Some of the questions might zero in on things you've wondered about since fusion, especially if you're disappointed in the results of your fusion so far.  And some questions address perception of pain. 
At the very end, I found directions to fill out the survey.  Click that link.  Should lead to:

 You should get a screen with choices.  Click Survey.

I wish you health.

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